About Andrew Z Allen
I'm Andrew Z Allen, freelance software developer living in Denver, Colorado.

I'm a pragmatic developer, I really mean it. While in college I focused my studies on computer languages which means that I can and do work in any language you throw at me. I've done client work in Python, JavaScript, Ruby, Java, C, C++, Erlang, Scala, Puppet, Bash, pretty much everything.
My degree is in Computer Science from the University Of Colorado in Colorado springs specializing in Languages and Compilers. I design web apps, mobile apps, desktop apps and "big iron apps" that are used by thousands of people daily. I write on my blog about whatever comes to mind, usually relating to software. I've covered a variety of topics from neat little tricks to long winded treatises on architectural theory.
In my spare time, I contribute back to the communities that I came from. For my alma mater, I consult with several professors to help improve their notes/homework to better prepare soon to be graduates. I volunteer with The Binning Family Foundation and Littleton Public Schools, working with students who have been expelled in an attempt to redirect their energies toward more productive endeavors. I'm an avid rock climber who tries to get on the wall 3-4 times a week and out in nature whenever possible.
For that work thing, I consult with Denver based startups to help accelerate their success. If you're looking for someone to help your startup get further, faster, I'd love to talk to you. To make sure it only goes to me, sign it with my public key.